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Tips for increasing your GET PAID Income.

Before reading the tips, I would like to make sure you understand something. It is not vital to have large downlines, or any downline for that matter, to be successful with paid to surf companies. Other people will tell you otherwise, but the only thing you need to be successful is to be thankful for any money you do receive. If you do no work to promote paid to surf companies, yet make money every month, you are still getting paid for doing next to nothing. If you do feel it is worth the work to get referrals, don't be discouraged if things don't go perfectly in the beginning. Be patient and allow your downline to grow slowly but steadily and it will work out VERY well in the long run. With those thoughts in mind, here are some tips that I have for you to try to increase your downlines. (-:

Promotional Tips

Make a web page Advertise that web page everywhere you can.

Hits=referrals Sign guestbooks and leave your URL, a great way to get visitors to your site Don't spam! You'll just get your account cancelled.

Put a signature with your web address on newsgroup postings.

Get business cards made, give them out. E-mail your friends Target college campuses!!!

Make flyers

Try pull tabs

Talk to people!

Talk to people on instant messenger, on in chats, and casually bring it up. Don't force it though.

If you use AIM, put a link to your site or AA w/ your ID in your away message.

Make a holiday related web page and pass it to your friends, just put and AA banner on the page. Encourage them to pass it on.

Try classifieds in the paper

You can pay to get an ad in e-newsletters.

Make many web pages all optimized for different keywords or phrases and submit them all to the major search engines. This will increase your page hits.

If you have any friends who are webmasters you maybe able to persuade them to link to your website.

Join opt-in email groups. There are many opt-in lists, many of them are for advertising money making schemes. You can post information about money making ideas to these groups without fear of spamming. Please remember to put in a short disclaimer message at the bottom of each message saying something like this
"This is not spam. You are receiving this message because we are both members of the same opt-in email list" Here are the URLs of some opt-in lists to visit later
If you spend a couple of evenings searching the web you will find more.
Some of these lists allow you to post information to them up to three times a week.


Build up a schedule of times and days when you will use certain programs. Program hours vary between10 hours per month to unlimited hours per month.


Many of you are asking for a Simple, step by step 
Plan to Get Paid for Surfing the Internet.

This Plan assumes you have NO referrals for any programs 
and surf for an hour/day with no more than two bars open
(Many of you surf much more than an hour/day and have a lot more than
two bars going I know (grin)).

The smart ones reading this, will take the time to copy and paste it
into a new message and will change our ids to theirs and pass it on. 
It's a surefire way to find referrals assuming you do not SPAM.

Set your Startpage ($15.00):
With ignifuge as your startpage (10 visits/day, 2.5 cents each x 30
= $7.50)
Set PAYSU Paystart as a bookmark on Ignifuge and vist often, (10 visits/day, 2.5 cents each x 30
= $7.50)

Max out on the viewbars ($25.00)

Alladvantage 25 hrs $12.50

PAYSU 25 hrs  $12.50

Running Total $40.00

Run GETPAID4 and/or CashSurfers after you max out with Alladvantage and
PAYSU the remainder of the time and you’ll hit $50 a month easily.


If you surf more than an hour per day run GETPAID4 ($0.50/hr) and
cashsurfers the rest of the time. 

That's running a max of 2 bars at a time (most computers tolerate this
well). I frequently run 3-4.